Damage and Loss Assessment, Humanitarian Charter a...
14-01-2024 to 20-02-2024
Old Cities Jerusalem, Revitalization Program (OCJRP)-Taawon has completed specialized training course “Damage and Loss Assessment, Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards for Humanitaria

Historic Structures: Assessing Structural Behavior...
The purpose of the course is to increase the knowledge of contractors and engineers working in the field of building restoration in the topic of Structural conservation and rehabilitating of the

The History of Jerusalem old city and the archite...
14-03-2018 to 07-04-2018
The course aims to introduce the participants about Jerusalem history, and the important historical period, its topography and its impact on architecture and architectural development, architectur
Survey and Mapping decay and causes of deteriorati...
06-03-2018 to 09-03-2018
The course aims to introduce the participants about the different types of stone decay and deterioration causes in order to be able to conduct a Condition Assessment for the historic stone facade

Historic Structures: Assessing Structural Behavior...
14-11-2017 to 19-11-2017
The purpose of the course is to increase the knowledge of contractors and engineers working in the field of building restoration in the topic of Structural conservation and rehabilitating of the

Introduction to Mosaic history and restoration _J...
13-11-2017 to 21-11-2017
The course aims to give an introduction about the history of mosaics in the world and Palestine in particular.

Digital documentation technology for historic buil...
14-11-2017 to 19-11-2017
The course provides the basics of theory and history of digital survey.

Retrofitting of buildings and Resilient Cities
07-11-2017 to 02-12-2017
The course aims to raise the awareness and abilities of engineers and cities planners, in the topic of retrofitting of buildings and resilient Cities

Wood restoration & maintenance_Nablus
11-11-2017 to 14-11-2017
The course aims to give the participants an introduction about the wood and its uses in old buildings and the importance of preserving it in general, as well as the definition of wood restoration

Site planning and Management of conservation proj...
05-03-2018 to 13-05-2018
The main objective of this course is to enhance and increase the capacity building of architects, engineers and contractors in restoration field, and improve their skills and knowledge in restorati

Site planning and Management of conservation proj...
01-03-2018 to 23-03-2018
The main objective of this course is to enhance and increase the capacity building of architects, engineers and contractors in restoration field, and improve their skills and knowledge in restorati

Site planning and Management of conservation proj...
11-10-2017 to 11-01-2018
The main objective of this course is to enhance and increase the capacity building of architects, engineers and contractors in restoration field, and improve their skills and knowledge in restorati

Site management planning and management for conver...
02-10-2017 to 09-01-2018
The main objective of this course is to enhance and increase the capacity building of architects, engineers and contractors in restoration field, and improve their skills and knowledge in restorati
Historic Structures: Assessing Structural Behavior...
24-03-2018 to 19-04-2018
Historic Structures: Assessing Structural Behavior of Buildings / Introduction to Structural Conservation
The Historic Architecture of the Old City of Jerus...
The Historic Architecture of the Old City of Jerusalem
Introduction to Mosaic history and restoration
13-12-2017 to 20-12-2017
Introduction to Mosaic history and restoration
Historic Structures: Assessing Structural Behavior...
14-12-2017 to 19-12-2017
Historic Structures: Assessing Structural Behavior of Buildings / Introduction to Structural Conservation
Retrofitting of buildings and Resilient Cities
07-11-2017 to 02-12-2017
Retrofitting of buildings and Resilient Cities
Survey and Mapping decay and causes of deteriorati...
06-03-2018 to 09-03-2018
Survey and Mapping decay and causes of deterioration of Masonry Buildings: Condition Assessment of historic facades and buildings
The Conservation and Management of the Built Herit...
01-03-2018 to 13-05-2018
The Conservation and Management of the Built Heritage in Ramallah
The Conservation and Management of the Built Herit...
The Conservation and Management of the Built Heritage inNablus
Conservation and Management of the Built Heritage...
11-10-2017 to 11-01-2018
Conservation and Management of the Built Heritage in Bethlehem
The Conservation and Management of the Built Herit...
The Conservation and Management of the Built Heritage in Nazareth