15th Intensive Specialist Course: Humidity in His...
06-05-2014 to 08-05-2014
A short intensive course was carried out between 6-8/05/2014 in the Old City of Jerusalem.
14th Intensive Specialist Course: Assessing Struc...
20-04-2014 to 23-04-2014
A short intensive course was carried out between 20-23/04/2014 in the Old City of Jerusalem.
7th & 8th Intensive Specialist Course: Rapid A...
30-03-2013 to 03-04-2013
01-06-2013 to 03-06-2013
wo short intensive courses were carried out between 1-3/6/2013 and 30-03/4/2013 in the Old City of Nablus in partnership with Al-Najah University.
9th and 10th Intensive Specialist Courses: The His...
13-10-2013 to 28-11-2013
22-06-2013 to 17-07-2013
Two short intensive courses were carried out between 22/6/2013 - 17/07/2013 and 13/10/2013 - 28/11/2013 in the Old City of Jerusalem.
4th Core Course: Site Management Planning and Mana...
22-01-2013 to 19-03-2013
A Core Course on (Site Management Planning and Management of Conservation Projects for Professionals) was held between 22.01.2013 and 19.03.2013 in the Old City of Nablus in partnership with Al-N
11th Intensive Specialist Course: Pointing, Plaste...
05-04-2014 to 07-04-2014
A short intensive course was carried out between 05.04.2014 and 07.04.2014 in the Old City of Jerusalem that was given by Dr. Simone Ricca.
12th & 13th Intensive Specialist Courses: Her...
14-04-2014 to 16-04-2014
16-04-2014 to 20-04-2014
Two short intensive courses were carried out between 14-16/4/2014 and 16-20/4/2014 in the Old City of Jerusalem.
6th Core Course: The Conservation and Management o...
17-11-2013 to 15-01-2014
A Core Course on (The Conservation and Management of the Built Heritage in Jerusalem) was held between 17.11.2013 and 15.01.2014 in the Old City of Jerusalem.
4th Intensive Specialist Course: Rapid Assessment...
02-06-2010 to 05-06-2010
The course was carried out between 2-5 June, 2010, with 16 participants.
1st Intensive Specialist Course:The Legal National...
26-04-2009 to 28-04-2009
This Course was started on April 26th , 2009 , and completed on April 28 , 2009 .
5th Intensive Specialist Course: Conservation and...
12-06-2010 to 17-06-2010
The course was carried out between 12-17 June, 2010, with 12 participants. The Course focused on “Conservation of Historic Building “
Results of this activity:
5th Core Course:Site Management Planning and Manag...
A Core Course on (Site Management Planning and Management of Conservation Projects for Professionals) was held between 09.06.2013 and 27.08.2013 in the Old City o
3rd Core Course: The Conservation and Management o...
03-03-2010 to 17-05-2010
An eight weeks Core Course on “The Conservation and Management of the Built Heritage’ was held in Jerusalem between March 3rd 2010 and May 17th,2010.
2nd Core Course: The Conservation and Management o...
03-10-2009 to 07-12-2009
which took place on October 3rd 2009 in Jerusalem and end on December 7th, 2009 (with a two-week break) . The training course was attended by 11 participants
1st Conduct Pilot Course
06-10-2008 to 16-12-2008
Once the curriculum was agreed between Welfare and ICCROM in coordination with UNESCO the course was announced in local papers and sent to a number of relevant local institutions, over 40 applicat
16th Intensive Specialist Course: Conservation of...
13-05-2014 to 15-05-2014
A short intensive course was carried out between 13-15/05/2014 in the Old City of Jerusalem.
A.K.T, contractor in the field of restoration in t...
We contractors and workers in the field of restoration in the Old City of Jerusalem, are suffering from the lack of manpower and sk
M.H, Civil Engineering in the programme, and Coord...
I worked in the Old City of Jerusalem Revitalisation Programme as Civil Engineering for 10 years, and we a continuously suffering from a lack of workers, craftsmen specialists in the field of resto
6th Intensive Specialist Course: Recording, Docume...
28-06-2010 to 04-07-2010
The course was carried out between 28-4 Jul, 2010, with 6 participants. The Course focused on “Recording, Documentation and Information Managements of Built Heritage in Jerusalem “
3rd Intensive Specialist Course: The Evaluation of...
27-03-2010 to 28-03-2010
The course was carried out between 27 – 28 March, 2010, with 15 participants.
2nd Intensive Specialist Course: The Consolidation...
26-09-2009 to 30-09-2009
This Course was started on September 26th , 2009 , and completed on September 30th , 2009 .Over 21 applications were received and 16 candidates were selected to attend to this course , twelve cand
Welfare Association Signed a Grant Agreement of 1....
Under the title of "Restoration and Rehabilitation of Housing in Jerusalem's Historic Urban Core", Welfare Association signed a 1.3 million Euros grant agreement through the European Union.
Short Intensive Course: Pointing, Plasters and Lim...
05-04-2014 to 07-04-2014
A short intensive course was carried out between 05.04.2014 and 07.04.2014 in the Old City of Jerusalem that was given by Dr. Simone Ricca.