Old Cities Jerusalem, Revitalization Program (OCJRP)-Taawon has completed specialized training course “Damage and Loss Assessment, Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards for Humanitarian Assistance in Disaster and War” as part of the "Quality Urban Development and Sustainable Interventions – Rehabilitation for Revitalization" (QUDSI-R4R) project, which is funded by the European Union, managed by UN-Habitat, and partly implemented by Taawon/OCJRP.
- 37 engineers from different locations in the West Bank and Jerusalem participated.
- Twelve online sessions were conducted via Zoom.
- Topics included disaster risk reduction concepts, disaster relief basics, rapid assessment and classification of building damage, search and rescue, the Sphere Handbook, and the Humanitarian Charter.
- The participants had the task of assessing building damage in groups.
This course is an integral part of the OCJRP's efforts under the training component, which aims to improve the technical and professional skills of specialists, civil engineering students, and workers involved in preserving Palestine's architectural and historical heritage. The training component is one of the main components of the OCJRP, along with restoration and conservation, documentation, and public awareness. #OCJRP #Training courses #Historic heritage preservation #JerusalemRevitalisation #EU_Funded #UNHabitat #Taawon