Once the curriculum was agreed between Welfare and ICCROM in coordination with UNESCO the course was announced in local papers and sent to a number of relevant local institutions, over 40 applications were received and 24 candidates were selected according to a special criterions agreed with ICCROM, six of these candidates from the West Bank were not able to obtain permit to enter Jerusalem.
The 10 week course started on October 6th, 2008 and completed on December 16th, 2008. The training was carried out at OCJRP/Welfare offices in the Old City of Jerusalem. However, some sessions conducted by experts in Rome were carried out at Welfare HQ in Ramallah by using video link facilities.
Results of this activity
List of experts who participated attached.
Training Course programme attached.
The curriculum was designed for the Pilot Training Course and the course programme prepared (see attachment)
Number of International and local experts in various specialities related to conservation were selected and commissioned for the assignments according to the training programme.
The course was announced in local media and circulated among relevant local institution
Applications were received and 24 selected according to agreed criterion (6 from WB could not obtain permits for Jerusalem).
The course was implemented with 18 participants (architects, engineers and contractors) who fully attended the 10 week course and prepared a case study based on their theoretical and practical training.