
Research, Documentation and Media Center
The original OCJRP programme included the need to
create an information and documentation center based on
research, studies and relevant surveys.
Mapping and GIS

Mapping and GIS
A comprehensive GIS database for the Old City was established in 1999. The database is based on a comprehensive field survey of over

A comprehensive GIS database for the Old City was established in 1999. The database is based on a comprehensive field survey of over

News about two training courses within the QUDSI Project
Old Cities Jerusalem, Revitalization Programme (OCJRP)-Taawon has completed two specialized training courses as part of the "Quality Urban Development and Sustainable Interventions – Rehabilitation for Revitalization" (QUDSI-R4R) project, which is funded by the European Union, managed by UN-Habitat, and partly implemented by Taawon/OCJRP.

al-Madrasa al-Ashrafiyya
The building is located on the western border of the Haram al-Sharif between Bab al-Silsila (Gate of the Chain) and Bab al-Qattanin (Gate of the Cotton Merchants), both of which lead to the Haram al-Sharif, Jerusalem

The Aqsa Mosque
The Aqsa Mosque is located to the south of the Dome of the Rock on the southern side of the Haram al-Sharif, Jerusalem

Al-Madrassa Al-Tushtumareyya
Al-Madrassa Al-Tushtumareyya is located on the southern facade of Bab al-Silsila at the junction of the road leading to Hart Sharaf west and the road leading to the Moroccan Quarter east.

Suq al-Qattanin
The suq is located on the west side of the Haram al-Sharif, extending from Bab al-Qattanin, which leads from the Haram al-Sharif to al-Wad Street, Jerusalem

Booklet in Newspaper
Booklet distributed in Newspaper as series each Friday for 9 weeks to promote architectural heritage preservation and cultural identity within various groups of the community

Bab al-Asbat
Bab al-Asbat
Also known as: Lady Mary Gate; St Stephen’s Gate; Lion’s Gate

The Mosque of Omar
The Mosque of Omar in Jerusalem is located opposite the southern courtyard of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
The Mosque of Omar was built in its current shape by the Ayyubid Sultan Al-Afdal ibn Salah ad-Din in 1193 CE ,it has a 15 metres (49 ft) high minaret that was built before 1465 CE and was renovated by Ottoman sultan Abdulmecid I (1839–1860).x