
Research, Documentation and Media Center
The original OCJRP programme included the need to
create an information and documentation center based on
research, studies and relevant surveys.
Mapping and GIS

Mapping and GIS
A comprehensive GIS database for the Old City was established in 1999. The database is based on a comprehensive field survey of over

A comprehensive GIS database for the Old City was established in 1999. The database is based on a comprehensive field survey of over

News about two training courses within the QUDSI Project
Old Cities Jerusalem, Revitalization Programme (OCJRP)-Taawon has completed two specialized training courses as part of the "Quality Urban Development and Sustainable Interventions – Rehabilitation for Revitalization" (QUDSI-R4R) project, which is funded by the European Union, managed by UN-Habitat, and partly implemented by Taawon/OCJRP.

Closing Seminar for EC-Funded Project Development of an Architectural Heritage Institute in Jerusalem
Welfare Association hosted a closing seminar yesterday, February 23, at Qasr al-Hamra in Jerusalem for its EC-funded project, “Development of an Architectural Heritage Institute in Jerusalem,” with 50 participants from the local and international development community in attendance. The project team made presentations on the main activities and achievements of the project, which...

The Old City Of Jerusalem Revitalisation Programme
In 1995 WA established a Technical Office to implement various OCJRP components through an interdisciplinary technical team of urban planners, architects, engineers and historians with well-trained experience team of over 21 members of staff in addition to specialized experts.

OCJRP 2009
The publication is produced in 2009, to summarize the program's efforts including the major restoration projects and training, documentation and community awareness activities to improve living conditions of Jerusalemites and maintain their property and their identity and their livelihoods.

Long Live Historic Cities
The publication is produced in 2011, to summarize the program's efforts including the major restoration projects and training, documentation and community awareness activities to improve living conditions of Jerusalemites and maintain their property and their identity and their livelihoods.

Dar Al Aytam Al Islamiya Complex
The study included comprehensive description and analysis of the historical and architectural development of all parts and elements of Dar Al Aytam Al Islamiya Complex. In addition to the Methodologies that have been used to solve different conservation technical problems.

Dome of the Rock
Dome of the Rock is located at the centre of the Haram al-Sharif in Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Dome of the Rock is one of the oldest Islamic monuments still standing today. It has a grandiose monumental form representing one of a small number of buildings in the Islamic world that may be chronicled as part of the creation and formation of an Islamic art in general.

al-Madarasa al-Manjakiyya
The madrasa of al-Manjakiyya, built by Sayf al-Din Manjak during the 14th century, rests on the west portico of al-Haram al-Sharif overlooking the gorgeous view of the Dome of the Rock, and its surrounding structures.