The Old City of Jerusalem Revitalisation Programme - Welfare Association conducted the first special comprehensive course on the subject of “Site Management Planning and Management of Conservation Projects for professionals,” in Nablus, which was held between the 22th January – 19th March 2013 in partnership with An-Najah National University. This training course is part of the activities to establish an Institute for Preservation of Architectural Heritage implemented by the Old City of Jerusalem Revitalisation Program of the Welfare Association and funded by the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development. The project's main objective is to establish an applied training institute composed of technical theoretical and practical training in the field of architectural conservation. Another objective is to promote and ensure quality architectural restoration and rehabilitation of historic structures in the Old City of Jerusalem as well as other cities in Palestine according to international laws and convention. This course was conducted by 6 international experts and 8 local experts. It targeted 14 trainees from professional background who seek to build their technical qualifications in the field of architectural conservation. The course tackled 6 units which are: Introduction to Conservation Principles, Historic Buildings Materials and Techniques, Introduction to Historic Development in Old Nablus, Heritage Documentation and Recording, Introduction to Structural Conservation, and Management of Conservation Projects and Maintenance Programme.The training was based on a case study of one of the ongoing restoration projects in the old city of Nablus. The trainees were divided into groups to work on the case study where they implement all the theoretical information gained through the training. And finally they present it to the jury, and then they should provide the final report. The training course was completed with a visit to the town of Sebastia, where they developed a practical understanding about historical and archaeological sites.