The Old City of Jerusalem Revitalisation Programme - Welfare Association conducted the first Apprenticeship training course for skilled labors. It was held in the Old City of Hebron between the 1st of October – 31st of March 2013 in partnership with Hebron Revitalization Committee.This training is part of the activities to establish an Institute for Preservation of Architectural Heritage implemented by the Old City of Jerusalem Revitalisation Program and funded by the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development. The project's main objective is to establish an applied training institute composed of technical theoretical and practical training in the field of architectural conservation. Another objective is to promote and ensure quality architectural restoration and rehabilitation of historic structures in the Old City of Jerusalem as well as other cities in Palestine according to international laws and conventions.The training targeted 12 trainees who seek to have the technical and professional qualifications to work in maintaining the historical and architectural heritage in Palestine. The training course focused on two technical skills in restoration, traditional plasterwork for Historic buildings and traditional carpentry.The trainees has completed 4 months of theoretical training in Hebron, and 2 months of practical training in Jerusalem under direct supervision of experienced contractors and carpenters who work in restoration and rehabilitation in the old city of Jerusalem.