Hosh Obaid

Located in al-Qisariyyeh neighborhood (Harah), in the Old City of Nablus, Hosh Obaid or al-Jibali as many residents prefer to name it, is considered one of the poorest and most marginalized communities in the old city. At present, it stands as an example of a comprehensive housing renewal project that was important for the city’s urban improvement and preservation of its architectural heritage.The project’s main objectives were to improve the living conditions for more than 20 families living in six neighboring complexes – (ahwash), and to create common spaces for shared activities and a children’s playground. The project also involved improvement of the infrastructure for the entire neighborhood.Housh Obaid has been transformed from an abandoned and forgotten neighborhood into an important part of the city’s context and a focus for the old city housing renewal attraction. It has combined physical conservation of the historic fabric with youth and residents’ engagement, a unique approach that shows how architectural interventions can play a role in advancing social cohesion in society.The project was sponsored and implemented by the Welfare Association technical office. The funds were provided by the Arab fund through the Islamic Development Bank.