ترميم رباط علاء الدين- الجالية الافريقية

ترميم رباط علاء الدين- الجالية الافريقية

عام الانجاز: 

This historic Mamluk complex is one of the oldest pilgrims’ hostels in the Old City of Jerusalem and has been the home of the Palestinian African community since the late Ottoman period. It was selected for comprehensive restoration based on its important historic and architectural value, its proximity to al Haram al Sharif, and the needs of the community for improved living conditions. This was the first OCJRP project implemented with full community participation. The project included rehabilitation of infrastructure for the whole complex, restoration of the mosque and the attached mausoleum, restoration and rehabilitation of historic elements and a new addition of fifteen housing units within the complex. The project was implemented in 3 phases.

Phase 1 included rehabilitation and upgrading of the infrastructure and networks as well as restoration of the historic parts of 5 residences; it also included the rehabilitation of the modern additions and provision of sanitary and kitchen facilities for each unit.

Phase 2 included restoration of the historic parts of 6 residences; it included rehabilitation of modern additions and providing sanitary and kitchen facilities for each unit.

Phase 3 of the project included restoration of the historic parts of 5 residences including rehabilitation of modern additions and providing sanitary and kitchen facilities for each unit. This last phase included adding stone tiles and landscaping to the open courtyards.
The implementation of the restoration works took place in 2004-2006.
