

ترميم حوش امينة الخالدي المرحلة الاولى

بتمويل من المملكة العربية السعودية من خلال الصندوق السعودي للتنمية، وانطلاقًا من مساعي التعاون الهادفة للحفاظ على الموروث التاريخي والثقافي، أنهى برنامج القدس لإعمار البلدات القديمة ترميم 10 منازل ضمن المرحلة الأولى من مشروع ترميم وإعادة تأهيل حوش أمينة الخالدي في البلدة القديمة بالقدس.

تضمنت المرحلة الأولى من المشروع أعمال ترميم وإعادة تأهيل 10 منازل تقطنها 11 عائلة مقدسية، في الحوش الذي يعتبر من الأحواش الكبيرة في البلدة القديمة، ويتميز بموقعه المجاور للمسجد الأقصى المبارك.

ترميم حوش امينة الخالدي المرحلة الاولى

بتمويل من المملكة العربية السعودية من خلال الصندوق السعودي للتنمية، وانطلاقًا من مساعي التعاون الهادفة للحفاظ على الموروث التاريخي والثقافي، أنهى برنامج القدس لإعمار البلدات القديمة ترميم 10 منازل ضمن المرحلة الأولى من مشروع ترميم وإعادة تأهيل حوش أمينة الخالدي في البلدة القديمة بالقدس.

تضمنت المرحلة الأولى من المشروع أعمال ترميم وإعادة تأهيل 10 منازل تقطنها 11 عائلة مقدسية، في الحوش الذي يعتبر من الأحواش الكبيرة في البلدة القديمة، ويتميز بموقعه المجاور للمسجد الأقصى المبارك.

Hosh Obaid

Located in al-Qisariyyeh neighborhood (Harah), in the Old City of Nablus, Hosh Obaid or al-Jibali as many residents prefer to name it, is considered one of the poorest and most marginalized communities in the old city.

ترميم رباط علاء الدين- الجالية الافريقية

This historic Mamluk complex is one of the oldest pilgrims’ hostels in the Old City of Jerusalem and has been the home of the Palestinian African community since the late Ottoman period. It was selected for comprehensive restoration based on its important historic and architectural value, its proximity to al Haram al Sharif, and the needs of the community for improved living conditions. This was the first OCJRP project implemented with full community participation.

ترميم منزل الماني

The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.

This component includes rehabilitation and restoration of individual housing units or comprehensive restoration of residential complexes (AHWASH).

The OCJRP team carefully restores the historic parts of the building or complex according to International standards for conservation and replaces the unsuitable additions by modern spaces compatible with the needs of residents.

ترميم حوش جابر

The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.

This component includes rehabilitation and restoration of individual housing units or comprehensive restoration of residential complexes (AHWASH).

The OCJRP team carefully restores the historic parts of the building or complex according to International standards for conservation and replaces the unsuitable additions by modern spaces compatible with the needs of residents.

ترميم حوش الحلو

The hosh, one of the largest and most densely populated residential complexes in the old city, is home for 9 families (82 residents). Most of its parts suffered from severe physical and environmental problems, lack of services, ventilation and sanitation.

ترميم حوش السلامية

The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.

This component includes rehabilitation and restoration of individual housing units or comprehensive restoration of residential complexes (AHWASH).

The OCJRP team carefully restores the historic parts of the building or complex according to International standards for conservation and replaces the unsuitable additions by modern spaces compatible with the needs of residents.

ترميم رباط الكرد (حوش الشهابي)

Located at the entrance of al-Haram al-Sharif between Bab al-Majlis and Bab al-Hadid, this large residential complex (Hosh) underwent major restoration and rehabilitation works implemented in different phases by the OCJRP team and benefiting 14 families. The work included restoration of the historic buildings, upgrading facilities and rehabilitation of the roofs and infrastructure for the whole complex.

ترميم حوش عائلة ابو خروب

The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.

This component includes rehabilitation and restoration of individual housing units or comprehensive restoration of residential complexes (AHWASH).

The OCJRP team carefully restores the historic parts of the building or complex according to International standards for conservation and replaces the unsuitable additions by modern spaces compatible with the needs of residents.


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