تقع المدرسة في الجانب الشمالي من البلدة القديمة وتحديدا بجانب الأسوار القريبة من "البوابة الجديدة". تضم المدرسة مبنيان رئيسان وساحات وملاعب، إضافة إلى ثلاثة مبان أخرى مجاورة لأسوار البلدة القديمة.
البلدة القديمة في القدس
قامت مؤسسة الأقصى بإنشاء مدرسة الهدى في عام 1991 وتقع المدرسة في الطابق الأول من مجمع الخانقاة الصلاحية ويتم الدخول إليها من مدخل مشترك يؤدي الى ساحة مفتوحة يحيط بها عدد من المنازل. تتكون المدرسة من 4 فصول دراسية، مكتب للسكرتاريا، مطبخ، وكافتيريا، وحمامات.
يقع المبنى والذي يعود للعصر العثماني في حارة السعدية ويتم استخدامه كمدرسة ابتدائية للبنات. وقد شمل المشروع ترميم وتأهيل الغرف الصفية والساحات والسطح كما تم تكحيل الواجهات الخارجية الحجرية واعادة قصارة الحوائط الداخلية. كما شمل المشروع اعادة تأهيل البنية التحتية وتطوير شبكات الخدمة.
Adaptive Reuse:
Separated by a wall from the main school building which was renovated in phase one, work on this building involved the complete rehabilitation of the building in addition to upgrading the old dilapidated infrastructure and rehabilitation of all networks.
Al Huda School was established in 1991 by Al-Aqsa Foundation. The school is located on the first floor and is accessed by a common entrance that also leads to an open court shared by many residences. It consists of four classrooms, secretarial office, a k
Adaptive Reuse:
The building was probably built in the Ottoman period mainly as a private residential complex. The Islamic Awqaf rented the building from a Jerusalem family 12 years ago for use as a school. The restoration work included: re-plastering the deteriorated wa
بنى هذا المجمع على مساحة من 4500 في قلب البلدة القديمة في القدس ويعتبر من اكبر المجمعات فيها وتبلغ مساحة البناء ما يزيد على 10.000م² موزعة على ثلاث مستويات.
تقع الروضة في مبنى تاريخي عثماني في عقبة التكية وقد تم تأسيس الروضة من قبل مؤسسة الأقصى الخيرية. يتألف مبنى الروضة من طابقين ويحتوي الطابق الأرضي على غرف الإدارة وثلاث غرف صفية بينما يوجد في الطابق الأعلى فصل دراسي واحد وثم تبليط الساحات والسطح وإضافة حديد حماية لسلامة الطلاب.
يقع المركز في مبنى تاريخي يعود الى العصر البيزنطي حيث استخدم سابقاً ككنيسة ومنجرة ثم كمخزن للمواد وكان بحاجة الى تدعيم إنشائي وعلاج للرطوبة الشديدة بسبب إغلاقه وهجره لسنوات طويلة. ثم تطويع المبنى ليستخدم كمركز مجتمعي لجامعة القدس، وتم تدعيمه انشائياً وإضافة شبكات الخدمة.
يقع المبنى في البلدة القديمة لمدينة القدس وتحديدا في حي السعدية، ويظهر المبنى بتصميم تراثي يتكوّن من طابق يحاط كل منهما بساحة؛ الطابق الأول تحتويه ساحة صغيرة مفتوحة بينما يحيط الطابق الثاني ساحة أخرى مجاورة.
The “Janho” historic building is over 650 years old located near Jaffa Gate northwest the Old City. Originally built as residence for the Khalidi family, the building was sold to the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate about a century ago. The building was abando
يقع النادي في الجزء الأسفل من مبنى يملكه دير الانطوانية في البلدة القديمة للقدس بجوار كنيسة القيامة مما يجعله جزء من النسيج العمراني المميز لبلدة القدس القديمة.ويتم استخدام النادي لنشاطات رياضية وثقافية واجتماعية .
يتكون مركز السرايا من عدة فراغات موزعة على ثلاث طوابق وتسوية يتم الدخول الى المركز عبر مدخل رئيسي من الطابق الارضي ويوجد ايضا مدخل ثانوي في طابق التسوية.
انشأته المواطنة الامريكية برثا سبافورد فسترانشأ المركز في البلدة القديمة في القدس منذ ثمانين عام كمؤسسة خيرية تسعى لتحسين الاوضاع الصحية للاطفال في القدس. ويقع المركز في تجمع مباني متلاصقة مع الحائط الشمالي للبلدة القديمة في حارة السعدية.
Adaptive Reuse:
Located in the centre of the Old City, the buildings in this exceptional complex date from the Ottoman period. Originally built as a residence and used as a school during Jordanian rule, the Arab Blind Association rented the complex in 1954 to serve the blind in Jerusalem.
The Centre was established 80 years ago by an American resident, Bertha Spafford Vester, as a charitable institution to improve the health of Jerusalem’s children. The Centre occupies a complex of attached buildings inside a northern section of the walled
Located in a two-storey building facing Al-Buraq plaza, the property was abandoned for many years until the Awqaf administration began utilizing it as a Counseling and Guidance Center. The restoration project included restoration of the historic parts of
The Palestinian Counseling Centre is housed in a rented Ottoman period historic house in the Old City of Jerusalem to provide social services for the community. The three-level building was adapted for its new use. Walls and floors were cleaned, and old s
The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.
The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.
The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.
The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.
The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.
The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.
The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.
The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.
The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.
The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.
The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.
The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.
The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.
The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.
The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.
The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.
The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.
The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.
The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.
The housing renewal component is a major part of OCJRP activities since the programme establishment, consisting around 70% of its projects.